In preparation for Holy Week, we invite you to join us as we journey through the season of Lent together. For more information about the practice of Lent, check out the BLOG.
Lent is a practice designed to help rid us of harmful attachments as we learn to trust Jesus for the ways he wants to satisfy the deepest longings of our souls. This year, we will be identifying our wants, renouncing entanglements, and asking Jesus to reveal the shared longing that he is calling us to embrace. By fasting from our wants in the strength the Holy Spirit provides and trusting Jesus with our appetites, we believe that we can live more fully into the life God has prepared for us.
Follow along by downloading the Lent Guide below.
At the core of all other longings is a longing for love. We were created to receive and give genuine love, yet our lives become entangled with all kinds of pursuits that offer quick satisfaction but can never do what love does. At best this leaves us disappointed. At worst it ends up being destructive. So, what are we to do when we feel the longing for love but don’t know how to resist the enticements that promise readily available gratification as an inevitable poor substitute?
We walk with Jesus in his story and watch how love shows up in every moment.
On Palm Sunday we will see LOVE proclaimed in the ANTICIPATION of the triumphal entry.
On Good Friday we will witness LOVE poured out through the SUFFERING of Jesus on the cross.
On Holy Saturday we will trust LOVE in the WAITING as Jesus is buried.
On Easter Sunday we will experience LOVE in the CELEBRATION of the resurrection.
Whether the current reality or our lives is being lived in anticipation, suffering, waiting, or celebration, we can meet Jesus in it and know that we are loved. Because love isn’t a concept. Love is a person.
This is the story of Holy Week. Longing for love and discovering Jesus as the fulfillment.