We're so glad that you're here! Thanks for taking the time to stop by and learn more about us. We know that starting something new can be overwhelming, so we'd like to simplify the process for you.
We believe that FULLNESS OF LIFE FOR EVERYONE is possible by PRACTICING THE WAY of Jesus TOGETHER. We call this pursuit our APPRENTICESHIP journey and we believe that it is done within the context of intentional community.
One place to start getting connected is by joining us at a SUNDAY GATHERING, but if you'd like to check us out more first, feel free to tune into a LIVESTREAM of our service.
There are many ways for your family to get involved such as with our ADVENTUREKIDS or SPACYOUTH. If you are new to faith and have questions about who God is and what life is about, ALPHA might be for you. Or, perhaps you are experiencing NEEDS that are too much to carry alone - we want to help.
Regardless of what brought you here, know that you are loved by God and welcomed by us.

- Multiple DatesThu, Jun 13New Life Community ChurchAre you a widow looking for connection, community, and companionship? We invite you to come out to our monthly meetings at New Life Community Church. No registration required.
- Multiple DatesThu, May 30Stony Plain Alliance ChurchOur Thursday afternoon hymn sings are for all who are interested in mid-day fellowship, a short devotional, and hymns sung with the grand piano accompaniment. The Afternoon Hymn Sings will continue Thursdays biweekly at 1PM.
- Multiple DatesWed, May 29Stony Plain Alliance Church
- Multiple DatesTue, Apr 30Stony Plain Alliance ChurchAlpha is happening again Tuesday evenings, starting February 20 at 7PM! Alpha provides the opportunity to ask tough questions and share honestly about what you believe. It runs for 11 weeks with interactive sessions that explore the basics of the Christian faith, videos and discussion.
- Wed, Feb 14Stony Plain Alliance ChurchWe invite you to join us on Ash Wednesday for a short, reflective service. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, the season of preparation for Easter, and is a call to recognize the brevity of life and refocus our attention on Christ's journey to the cross. On this night we will be reminded of
- Multiple DatesSun, Feb 04Stony Plain Alliance ChurchJoin us for our Sunday morning service at 10AM. All are welcome!
- Multiple DatesMon, Jan 29Stony Plain Alliance ChurchJoin us on Monday afternoons at 1PM to spend time unpacking Sunday's sermon, discussing how we can live into the Word as apprentices of Jesus, and make space for the Spirit of God to speak to us. All are welcome! No sign-up required.
- Multiple DatesSun, Jan 28Location is TBDIf you’re a young adult (age 18-29), we invite you to come as you are and enjoy a supportive community where you’re free to dig deep, question, and explore your walk with Jesus and others. They meet Sundays at 7:30 biweekly. Location changes so download the Church Center app for all the details.
- Fri, Jan 26Stony Plain Alliance ChurchWelcome to THE TABLE, an evening for all ages and all stages of women (12+) to find healing community through story, food, and honest, hopeful conversation. Please register so that we can reserve a seat for you. Cost is $5 and tickets can also be purchased at the door.
- Fri, Jan 19Stony Plain Alliance ChurchThis year we’re keeping the retreat local. We’ve partnered with The Wall, an Acheson coffee roaster, to host the Friday evening and Saturday will be at SPAC. We will spend time eating together, learning more about abiding in Christ, trying out spiritual practices, and having fun together.
- Fri, Jan 19Stony Plain Alliance ChurchWe're heading back to Roger's Place this year to watch the Oil Kings battle it out with the Prince Albert Raiders. Bring a friend and join us January 19th for the hockey game. We'll meet at SPAC at 5:30 and the cost is $25/student.
- Multiple DatesTue, Dec 26Stony Plain Alliance ChurchOur Life Recovery group meets every Tuesday evening at 6:30PM right here at the church or online. All are welcome to drop in at any time. Facilitators use the twelve step Life Recovery model which is a set of biblical principles in addiction treatment.
- Multiple DatesSun, Dec 24Stony Plain Alliance ChurchTogether we celebrate the long-awaited arrival of Love, who is Christ: the One who is and will be with us forever. Please join us this Christmas Eve at either 4PM or 6PM for a family-friendly, hour-long service. All are welcome! All gifts received on Christmas Eve will go to the Parkland Food
- Wed, Dec 20Stony Plain Alliance ChurchOn one of the longest nights of the year, allow us to create a space for you to bring your sadness. It will be a quiet, reflective service filled with ways of processing and expressing our grief. Join us at 7PM on Wednesday, December 20.
- Sat, Dec 16Stony Plain Alliance ChurchCome on out to our next monthly Men's Breakfasts! They continue on the third Saturday of the month until April. Come meet some new people and enjoy breakfast together. It's $10/person. Please register, so we can be sure we have enough food available.
- Multiple DatesWed, Dec 13Stony Plain Alliance ChurchJoin other moms in the community for a time to connect and let your young ones play! Happening Wednesdays 10AM biweekly in the Discovery Room.
- Multiple DatesThu, Nov 30Stony Plain Alliance ChurchThe Marriage Course is a series of seven sessions, designed to help couples invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage. the course offers essential tools and practical ideas to help you build a relationship that lasts a lifetime.
- Tue, Nov 21Stony Plain Alliance ChurchIt's time for our Fall General Meeting! Converge is happening Tuesday November 2, starting at 6PM. Before the business meeting we will gather and eat together. We're doing it potluck style and ask that last names A-M to bring a salad and/or and N-Z a main dish to share.